Player name: Price, DavidSee rating chart
Most recent federation:   Republic of South Africa
Date of birth: 9 June 1980
Most recent ID: 14300265
Sex: man
  list        pos  Player_ID  Name                                 Title Fed  Rtng   +/-  Gms   Birthday   Sex  Flag 
Oct 2001        x  14300265  Price, David                                RSA  2120     0    0  1980.06.09         i   
Jul 2001        x  14300265  Price, David                                RSA  2120     0    0  1980.06.09         i   
Apr 2001    21483= 14300265  Price, David                                RSA  2120     0    0  1980.06.09            
Jan 2001    21082= 14300265  Price, David                                RSA  2120     0    0                        
Oct 2000    21077= 14300265  Price, David                                RSA  2120     0    0  1980.06.09            
Jul 2000    20598= 14300265  Price, David                                RSA  2120     0    0  1980.06.09            
Jan 2000    19142= 14300265  Price, David                                RSA  2120     0    0                        
Jul 1999    18771= 14300265  Price, David                                RSA  2120     0    0  1980.06.09            
Jan 1999    18882= 14300265  Price, David                                RSA  2120     0    0  1980.06.09            
Jul 1998    17152= 14300265  Price, David                                RSA  2120     0    0  1980.06.09            
Jan 1998    16580= 14300265  Price, David                                RSA  2120          9  1980.06.09